Released in late 2011, this marks the third release in the family-owned Chopin Vodka brand. It is made from 100% golden Polish wheat. Clear. Lovely delicate aromas of anise, citrus and orange blossoms with a silky, off-dry medium body and a smooth, grain, wax, powdered sugar and mineral accented finish.
Floral bouquet aroma
Sweet with notes of caramel
Light mouth-feel
Gentle and pleasant finish
ABV: 40%
Age Verification Required on Delivery: This product is not for sale to people under the age of 21. To confirm the recipient is over 21 years, valid photographic ID with a date of birth will be required upon delivery for all customers. The driver will input your date of birth into their device to confirm that age verification has been completed successfully, but will not be able to access your date of birth information once your delivery is complete.